Manual Handling Mac

The MAC tool was developed to help the user identify high-risk workplace manual handling activities and can be used to assess the risks posed by lifting, carrying and team manual handling activities.

Manual Handling Courses In Dublin

Manual Handling Mac

It is designed to help you understand, interpret and categorise the level of risk of the various known risk factors associated with manual handling activities. It incorporates a numerical and a colour-coding score system to highlight high-risk manual handling tasks.

Manual handling

According to the Manual Handling Operations Regulations 1992 (MHOR), manual handling is defined as:

Manual handling assessment charts (the MAC tool) Page 2 of 20. Using the MAC may not comprise a ‘suitable and sufficient’ risk assessment (see. The Appendix in Manual handling (L23) 4) for more advice on this. You are likely to need to do a full risk assessment when the activities fall outside the boundaries of.

‘...any transporting or supporting of a load (including the lifting, putting down, pushing, pulling, carrying or moving thereof) by hand or bodily force’

The MHOR establish a clear hierarchy of measures for dealing with risks from manual handling:

  • avoid hazardous manual handling operations so far as is reasonably practicable;
  • assess any hazardous manual handling operations that cannot be avoided; and
  • reduce the risk of injury so far as is reasonably practicable.

A detailed assessment of every manual handling operation could be a major undertaking and might involve wasted effort. Many handling operations, for example the occasional lifting of a small lightweight object, will involve negligible handling risk. To help identify situations where a more detailed risk assessment is necessary, HSE has developed filters to screen out straightforward cases (see Appendix of L23).

Using the MAC will help to identify high-risk manual handling activities within the workplace. However, the MAC is not appropriate for all manual handing operations, and may not comprise a full risk assessment. Therefore it is unlikely to be acceptable if relied upon alone. To be ‘suitable and sufficient’, a risk assessment will normally need to take account of additional information such as individual capabilities, and should conform to the requirements in the MHOR. People with knowledge and experience of the handling operations, industry specific guidance, and specialist advice may also be helpful. Remember to consult and involve employees and safety representatives.

29 August 2018 @ 3:00 pm - 5:00 pm


This Manual Handling training will be presented by Robin Townsend.

Manual Handling Mac

Robin is a physiotherapist with post-graduate qualifications in gerontology and workplace training who works as a consultant physiotherapist and manual handling trainer in both the residential and community aged care sectors.

Bookings: Must be made prior to the workshop online. (Please note no telephone bookings will be accepted.)

Course cancellations: Multicultural Aged Care reserves the right to cancel events if sufficient numbers are not achieved. In the case of a cancellation by Multicultural Aged Care all registration fees will be refunded in full.

Registration transfer or cancellation:Notification of cancellation or transfer of registration must be provided in writing either by fax 8352 1266 or email No refund is available for any cancellations/transfers received 48 hours or less prior to the start date or for non-attendance. A substitute delegate or a credit transfer is welcome. Please notify Multicultural Aged Care in writing of any substitution or credit transfer as soon as possible.

DISCLAIMER:The advice and views of speakers and the content of presentations are entirely and exclusively the views of the speakers and do not necessarily reflect the views of Multicultural Aged Care Inc. Multicultural Aged Care Inc. disclaims all liability in relation to actions taken in response to information presented by speakers.

Tickets are not available as this event has passed.

Manual Handling Lifting Machine

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