Create Manual Mac Address Xbox One

Posted by2 years ago

So im at a hotel for a few days abd decided to try the xbox out on the wifi. Im sure youre all familiar with this. Cant be done, says the front desk. But a few minutes of google and reddit told me to change the xbox mac axdress to match my phones mac address.

(Im pretty sure the mac has nothing to do with macintosh computers, but other ppl ive asked have been confused. 'Xbox is mac comptible? WhaaAAT?)

In context with the Xbox 360, however, Microsoft recommends that you copy your home computer's MAC address as the alternative for the console (if you're experiencing connectivity problems); finding alternative MAC addresses means finding the one your computer's network interface card (NIC) has.

So anyway, all went well and it worked, mostly.

My question: i didnt write down the original mac address. Is my xbox screwed now for when i get home? Or is my phone screwed?


Categories: Media Access Control (MAC) Addresses


In other languages:

Français: trouver l'adresse MAC de votre ordinateur, Italiano: Conoscere l'Indirizzo MAC del Tuo Computer, Español: encontrar la dirección MAC de tu computadora, Deutsch: MAC Adresse des Computers finden, Português: Encontrar o Endereço MAC do seu Computador, Nederlands: Het MAC adres van je computer opzoeken, Русский: определить MAC адрес вашего компьютера, 中文: 查找计算机的MAC地址, Bahasa Indonesia: Mencari Alamat MAC dari Komputer, हिन्दी: अपने कंप्यूटर का MAC Address पता करें, العربية: معرفة عنوان MAC الخاص بجهاز الكمبيوتر لديك, Čeština: Jak zjistit MAC adresu počítače, 한국어: 컴퓨터의 맥 어드레스 확인하는 방법, Tiếng Việt: Tìm Địa chỉ MAC của Máy tính, ไทย: หา MAC address ของคอมพิวเตอร์, 日本語: パソコンのMACアドレスを確認する, Türkçe: Bilgisayarının MAC Adresi Nasıl Bulunur

Create Manual Mac Address Xbox One Location

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