Mac Manual Fan Control Free

Mac Manual Fan Control Free


Mac Manual Fan Control Free Macbook

  • The app is buggy and outdated. Moreover it doesn't have UI. Do yourself a favor and use free 'Macs Fan Control' app (google for it), it supports all apple hardware on Windows and also Mac.

  • Great program! does exactly what it says. The only caveat for me is that it won't read my cpu temp, which is weird because smcfancontrol does it when im on osx. I'm on a late 2013 rMBP on mavericks.

  • Works great on MacBook Retina 2012

  • Great program to Bootcamp, because Windows does not correctly manage the fans. 'jvilavong': To start minimized automatically, just put a shortcut in startup folder (C: ProgramData Microsoft Windows Start Menu Programs StartUp) and the properties of the shortcut in 'execute' choose 'Minimized'

  • Works on my Mac Mini (late 2012). Installed it just to check and IMMEDIATELY heard the fan kick in. My first response was honestly 'thank God.' Bootcamp Windows 7 was running a bit hot and I missed the options with iStatMenu. Good work on this folks!

So be aware that fiddling with your Macs designed specifications will indeed break warranty and can even break your Mac. Macs Fan Control. If you think that you still want to go ahead and manually control your Mac fans, here's what to do. Download the Macs Fan application. Use Finder to navigate to your Downloads folder.

Mac Manual Fan Control Free Software

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